
Showing posts from January, 2018


human geo today I was not in class because I was at the nurses office. in my 2nd mod I fainted at the end of class and the beginning of advisory. I was in the nurses office until I was sent home. I'm aware of the 90 point project due the 5th of this month.


human geo first class of the year, 2018 yeah. today in class it was very cold we started a new unit called "   Political Geography" which is our final unit we talked about how the word can be divided into 3 main categories as in COUNTRY'S, NATIONS and STATES. each has its own characteristics like Country's are focused mainly on the land and climate of the area. where a Nation is defined as as a population or a group of people that all share common culture. a State is more defined more as a smaller population under government of that area. We also talked about an definition that applies to most places of the world and nations are "groups of people larger than a single tribe or community, which may share a common language, institution, religion, and/or historical experience"  we also had some joke in class about rockets and the temperature because it was 59 degrees in the class room and by the end it was 61 degrees. we also talked about how we will on