day 7 human geo

today in class we started a new subject And took notes with some key questions.
  1. how  do geographers describe where things are?
  2. why is each point on earth unique. 
  3. why are different places similar 
and more 
 we went over how some regions are very different do to because where they are. we also went over how they are different from us. in many was like language, holidays, traditions, religion and more.
for example  
north america has Canada , new Mexico, Cuba, US, brazil and more.
the language spoken in mexico and other normally speak spainsh and slang. 
they have other belifes and holidays
the climatw is difffrent and they are closer to the eqator so they have warmer tempretures. 

we also went over what a region is. it is a area with a level of consistency in a certain cultural and physical attribute mlost are uniform or homogenous areas where every one is that area shares common attributer  or political system. they are used to determine and out line political. (was on power point)

after we went over that we filled in a map that showed us where all these place where. 


  1. Maddie, this is a pretty good blog. But you only did your blog one day out of four this week. Don't fall into this bad habit!

    Also, you still owe me the assignment I gave on August 31. You need to post this assignment (an essay on "A Message to Garcia" and your own Five-Point Action Plan) on your blog right away. Details of this assignment are on my blog. After you have posted it, email me to let me know I can grade it. Get it done, Maddie!


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