messege to garcia

How I view a messed to Garcia,
 it was written in 1899 the message was given to someone named roman.
this message went world wide aka viral and for the time it was very rare for it, I cant believe  that it was transferred into 39 different languages and was used in military. to this day it still is used today in the military and at west point.  my onion on it is that its hard to understand it but that just because the time it was written, I personally think its a very inspirational and can be viewed many ways. I like how its figurate written and   how it can inspire everyone to do stuff in their life I like what you can take and learn from it because it kinda states that's anyone can do something as long as they learn and try. like the message was given to someone who could do it and that could have been anyone but he was chosen. 


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