today in class we started a new subject And took notes with some key questions. like how do geographers describe where things are? why is each point on earth unique. why are different places similar and more we went over how some regions are very different do to because where they are. we also went over how they are different from us. in many was like language, holidays, traditions, religion and more. for example north america has Canada , new Mexico, Cuba, US, brazil and more. the language spoken in mexico and other normally speak spainsh and slang. they have other belifes and holidays the climatw is difffrent and they are closer to the eqator so they have warmer tempretures. we also went over what a region is. it is a area with a level of consistency in a certain cultural and physical attribute mlost are uniform or homogenous areas where every one is that area shares common attributer or political system. t...
Madi, you should be able to spend ten minutes a day writing your blog for this class. I realize you are supposed to minimize the time you spend on your phone and your computer, but ten minutes is not excessive. I don't want to enter zeroes on Veracross for your blog grades. You have the opportunity to help yourself out here; please take advantage of it. You can do it!